Sweetman Astrology

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New Moon in Pisces

We have a Pisces New Moon occurring on 13 March 2021. Some of you will be desiring more alone time and reflection, along with allowing your feelings to flow and letting go of what no longer serves your soul. There may be past memories that need clearing so do not be surprised if the past is on your mind or if past people pop up in your dreams. Self-sabotaging behaviours may come up to be seen in order to let go of. Life may be feeling way to much to handle right. These are all typical themes we deal with this time every year, as Pisces represents the end of the astrological year. There is a 'universal order' to how things will play out this month so try and allow synchronicity to step in, as opposed to trying to control everything. There is magic in surrendering to the flow of the universe and trusting things will pan out as they should. The more conscious awareness we have, the more we can discern what is real, so keep up your spiritual practices to ensure you are grounded and not getting swept up in the illusion. Dreams will be very vivid along with our psychic abilities. You may feel a bit confused and all over the place, but the fact you know this means you can sit back and observe what is coming up to heal and be released. It is all happening to ultimately help show us the way to our soul purpose. Pisces energy is the hardest to navigate, as it can take us down the path of fogginess, forgetfulness and creating stories in our minds that we convince ourselves are real. This can make people paranoid, escape reality and turn to substance abuse. Neptune the planet that rules Pisces can ignite the highest highs but also the lowest lows. The key to it all is finding that anchor that connects you to love or a deeper meaning in life. I recommend you spend some time alone over the days of the New Moon and allow yourself to connect to your soul either through meditating/yoga or music. If the mind is overflowing, then maybe a movie or some creative time will help ease yourself. This is when the insights come to us and the healing can take place. Look to your Natal Chart and see which house is ruled by Pisces to get an in-depth idea where endings and beginnings are occurring with this New Moon. Remember things/beliefs/emotions/people need to be let go of in order to attract more of what you need.