Sweetman Astrology

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New Moon in electrifying Aquarius

We have a New Moon in Aquarius occurring on 10 Feb 2024. This is the first New Moon to occur since Pluto entered Aquarius. Themes relating to technology, politics, equality and evolutionary change are already undergoing radical transformation. This New Moon is catapulting the message loud and clear that parts of your life need radical change. So, if you haven’t already got the memo from Pluto to reevaluate and take charge of what needs changing, then this New Moon will happily come in and do it for you. Uranus, which rules Aquarius, is squaring the New Moon, which amplifies the “expect the unexpected” to make itself known. For some people, this can act as a good surprise; for others, shocking things can happen, so I’m not one to say this aspect is necessarily easy. A lot of electricity will be pumping through your veins; therefore, I do encourage you to rest if you need it or incorporate some grounding rituals to help calm your overactive nervous system. It is a New Moon to set intentions that bring about positive change. People, habits, foods, workplaces, and health routines need an upgrade to reflect your authentic self; can you feel what needs to change?? What vision do you have that you can work towards over the next 20 years that is of service to humanity in some way?