Sweetman Astrology

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Mars enter the aquarian party

Today Mars the planet of determination, motivation and desire enters the Aquarian party alongside Pluto and Mercury. Its starting to get crowded in the Aquarian department with 3 planets now all talking to each other about the amazing ideas and epiphanies they are downloading. When Pluto entered into Aquarius in January, this brought about some sort of awareness where you need to own your uniqueness in some way. Mercury heading into Aquarius about a week ago possibly bought about ideas of how you can communicate this new awareness better, or how you can mentally process this in a way that makes sense to you. Mars is now heading in and giving you the motivation to act on your ideas or new way of how you want to present yourself to the world. Mars bumping into Pluto on its entry in Aquarius is giving Mars an upgrade of complete new energy. We have now had Mercury and Mars hitting the reset button when conjoining with Pluto. We will soon have Venus as well. If there has ever been a time you have been wanting to radically change something or everything in your life, then this aquarian party is throwing you an electric life line and going to show you the way forward.